Colour caricature of Ellie Carpenter drawn during the match against Canada
in the 2023 Women’s World Cup
Larger version at www.alanrosegraphics.com.au
Freelance Cartoonist Caricaturist Melbourne Australia
Colour caricature of Ellie Carpenter drawn during the match against Canada
in the 2023 Women’s World Cup
Larger version at www.alanrosegraphics.com.au
Who’s eyes are these?
“Sporticatures ’23” will be a flip book on The Australian Cartoon Museum website in March.
And a movie on YouTube!
Over 20 caricatures of the best (mainly Aussie) sportspeople in 2022 – Feb ’23.
Drawn by some of the best caricaturists in the country!!!
Just Google Sporticatures ’23 in early March